Egypt - National program

Egypt - National program 2024

L’Oréal UNESCO For Women in Science Egypt Young talents program fellowships aims to promote the participation of young women in science coming from Egypt. This program identifies and rewards talented young female scientists in the field of Life Sciences (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neurosciences, biotechnologies, ecology and ethology) as well as Physical Sciences (such as physics, chemistry, petroleum engineering, mathematics, engineering sciences, information sciences, Earth and Universe sciences).
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Egypt - National program

L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Egypt fellowships program aims to promote the participation of young women in science coming from Egypt. The Program honors three talented young Egyptian women researchers for the quality of their research works and encourages them to pursue a brilliant career in science in the field of Life Sciences (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neurosciences, bio technologies, ecology and ethology) as well as Physical Sciences (such as physics, chemistry, petroleum engineering, mathematics, engineering sciences, information sciences, Earth and Universe sciences). Two fellowships amounting to Ten thousand Euros (€ 10,000 or equivalent in local currency) each will be granted to Egyptian women pursuing Post-doctoral researchers working in Research Laboratory, Institute, or University in Egypt. One fellowship amounting to Six thousand Euros (€ 6,000 or equivalent in local currency) each will be granted to Egyptian women pursuing a PhD (doctoral degree) in Research Laboratory, Institute, or University in Egypt. Partners Academy of Scientific Research & Information Number of endowments 3 annual endowments Amount per endowment 6000 EURO PHD Student 10000 EURO Post Doctorate Requirements A- Postdoctoral Researchers: Applicants must meet the following general criteria: - Having obtained a PhD in one of the science fields (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neurosciences, bio technologies, ecology and ethology) as well as Physical Sciences (such as physics, chemistry, petroleum engineering, mathematics, engineering sciences, information sciences, Earth and Universe sciences).. Only applicants having obtained their PhD during 2019-2023 are eligible. - Being of Egyptian nationality. - Working in a Research Laboratory, Institute, or University in Egypt. - Candidates must be no more than 45 years old by the end of the application period. B- PhD Students: Applicants must meet the following general criteria: - Having obtained a Bachelor (B.Sc.) and a Master (M.Sc.) degrees, or equivalent, in one of the science fields (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neurosciences, bio technologies, ecology and ethology) as well as Physical Sciences (such as physics, chemistry, petroleum engineering, mathematics, engineering sciences, information sciences, Earth and Universe sciences). - Should be full time student in PhD and having registered in the 2nd year of the PhD program, or one year before the thesis defense. - Being of Egyptian nationality. - Working in a Research Laboratory, Institute, or University in Egypt. - Candidates must be no more than 45 years old by the end of the application period. Main eligibility criteria The selection criteria of the candidate by the jury are the following: - Candidates must have a researcher position in one of Universities or Research Institutes in Egypt. - The candidate’s outstanding academic record (including number, quality and impact of the scientific publications, conference presentations, patents…). - The scientific quality and usefulness of the research project. - The innovative approach (rationale, relevance, originality, outputs, applications, etc.) and the expected outcomes of the research. - The ability of the candidate to communicate and promote sciences to a younger audience and to encourage young Egyptian & Arab female scientists. - The candidate’s career-path. Fellowships are exclusively dedicated to the development of scientific research and can under no circumstance be a substitute to the duties of the laboratory vis-à-vis its researchers. Fellowships are non-renewable and can be combined with other research grants. Initial launch date 2018