How to apply?
- By e-mail:
[email protected]
- Chilean National Commission for UNESCO
- Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Chile CONICYT
Number of endowments:
- 2 annual endowments (one in the doctorate category and one in postdoctorate)
Amount per endowment:
- 14 MM CLP for two researchers = 18.060,00 € (7MM CLP or 9.030,00 € for each one )
- The fellow must be a woman - no age limit.
- Must be Chilean and resident in Chile.
- At the time of application, must be pursuing a PhD or postdoctorate in areas ranging from Life, Matter or Mathematics Sciences.
- Scientific must be active in the development of research in their respective areas of study, the day of registration.
Main eligibility criteria:
- Originality of the Doctoral or Postdoctoral Thesis
- Letter of Intent
- Scholarships, awards, funds obteined, and oral Interview
Initial launch date:
- 2007