Argentina - National program
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET) //
Number of endowments:
- 6 in total,
- 1 prize and 2 mentions,
- 1 endowment and 2 mentions //
Amount per endowment:
- The prize is $300000 for an Argentine Scientist of up to 49 years old,
- The fellowship is $180000 for an Argentine young investigator of up to 34 years of age. //
- Be of Argentine nationality, native or by option,
- Young researchers or interns in the post-doctorate stage, who participate in a project that is in progress, which at the close of the call have not reached the age of 35,
- That the project is linked to any of the aforementioned disciplines and is carried out in Argentina,
- Possess a doctorate degree or equivalent awarded by national or foreign universities in the disciplines described as "Life Sciences",
- Belonging to the career of researcher of the CONICET or be a postdoctoral fellow of the Council,
- The winners of L'Oréal International Scholarships-UNESCO For Women in Science will not be considered //
Main eligibility criteria
- Academic excellence,
- Quality and originality of the research of the project,
- Capacity to promote science among young people //
Initial launch date: